Kurzinterview mit Tico Torres – Rock Star Baby!

(For a short English version please scroll down)

Unglaubliches passiert, Welten tun sich zusammen! 😉 Wie Ihr schon der Überschrift entnehmen konntet, hat mir Tico Torres, seit 1984 Schlagzeuger der Gruppe Bon Jovi, einige Fragen beantwortet. Tico ist nämlich eine Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen Birkenstock eingegangen. Richtig gelesen: Birkenstock! Bisher eher für Bequemlichkeit bekannt als für rockigen Flair.

Und wie sieht diese Kooperation aus? Nun, Tico hat zusammen mit Birkenstock die Schuhkollektion „Rock Star Baby by Birkenstock®“ entworfen. Auf der einen Seite die Wildheit des Rock ’n‘ Roll und auf der anderen Seite der Komfort der klassischen Birkis. Es heißt ja auch schon immer: Gegensätze ziehen sich an! (…und das ist auch gut so!) Seht selbst: Das Lookbook!

Und hier kommt auch schon das Interview mit Tico (nur in Englisch, weil es einfach so ist. 😉 )

How did it actually come to this (somewhat unusual) cooperation?

My first pair of Birkenstocks were in the 70’s – they were good back then.
So it’s logical to want to have comfort for you and your children, and now also available in the style of ROCK STAR BABY.

Do you have a favourite shoe in the current collection?

The “waterfall of skulls” – it flows as you walk.

How does the ‘perfect shoe’ have to look like?

Simple – it has to look cool, yet understated.

Are you generally interested in fashion? And do you have a favorite stage-outfit?

Gianni Versace was a good friend – music and fashion is synonymous.
All my stage outfits were hand crafted by my Grandmother and myself, through out the years. Freedom of movement is key.

You are very creative, not only on stage or while designing shoes, but you are also painting – where do you get your inspiration from?


The new media are playing an increasingly big role, are you represented on various channels such as facebook, twitter or google+?

No I prefer conversation – one to one – face to face.
Although, those things are a great work tool.

My blog is about fashion, but also about chocolate. Do you have a favourite kind of chocolate?

The old fashioned American classic – Hershey Bar with almonds.

Thank you very much and have fun on your tour!

Thank you!

Tico Torres, drummer of the band ‚Bon Jovi‘, cooperates with Birkenstock, the German shoemaking- company.  He has designed shoes for the “Rock Star Baby” Collection. I had the chance to ask him a few questions about this cooperation. You can find his answers in the interview above.


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