Heute gibt es mal wieder einen Post für die Mädels. Einfach so und ohne Wenn und Aber. Denn in Mailand präsentierte Santoni seine neue Damenkollektion für den kommenden Herbst/Winter 2016/17, die will ich Euch nicht vorenthalten. Unter dem Motto „Stardust!“ zeigt sich die neue Kollektion inspiriert von der glamourösen Welt des Films und insbesondere von der zeitlosen Eleganz Marlene Dietrichs.

Wie bereits in der vergangenen Saison arbeitete Santoni wieder mit Olivier Zahm zusammen, dem Gründer und Herausgeber des Purple Fashion Magazines. Dieser fotografierte die Sängerin Caroline Vreeland im Stil der Filmikone Marlene Dietrich. Zur Kooperation äußern sich auch sowohl Guiseppe Santoni als auch Olivier Zahm begeistert, wie man den O-Tönen entnehmen kann:

GIUSEPPE SANTONI: “I really love Olivier Zahm’s esthetics, cooperating with him is always so inspiring. He was able to catch the soul of our collection, inspired by Marlene Dietrich’s iconic and timeless beauty, with his sophisticated, sensual and original visual language. The superlative portraits of Caroline Vreeland, as well as Santoni collection, are a perfect mix of fashion, sensuality and art.”
OLIVIER ZAHM: “I was so happy to work with Caroline Vreeland, as a modern Marlene Dietrich for this new Santoni F/W 2016 collection. She incarnates the timeless glamour of Marlene in a modern way – fresh, audacious, and with a mysterious regard. This attitude fits well with a shoe collection that plays with the codes of night vs day, glamour vs sexy, and men’s dressing vs women’s.”

Eine elegante Kollektion mit gleichermaßen maskulinen und femininen Elementen, was sich wie ein roter Faden durchzieht. Schick!

Today I have something for the girls. Santoni presented the new collection for Fall/Winter 2016/17 in Milan. Stardust is the motto of the collection, which is inspired by movie glamour and especially by the unforgettable film-diva Marlene Dietrich. Santoni continues its collaboration with Art Director and photographer Olivier Zahm, which started last season. He portrayed singer and socialite Caroline Vreeland as a modern Marlene Dietrich. Both Giuseppe Santoni and Olivier Zahm are really happy with the cooperation, as you can read in their quotes:
GIUSEPPE SANTONI: ‘I really love Olivier Zahm’s esthetics, cooperating with him is always so inspiring. He was able to catch the soul of our collection, inspired by Marlene Dietrich’s iconic and timeless beauty, with his sophisticated, sensual and original visual language. The superlative portraits of Caroline Vreeland, as well as Santoni collection, are a perfect mix of fashion, sensuality and art.’
OLIVIER ZAHM: ‘I was so happy to work with Caroline Vreeland, as a modern Marlene Dietrich for this new Santoni F/W 2016 collection. She incarnates the timeless glamour of Marlene in a modern way – fresh, audacious, and with a mysterious regard. This attitude fits well with a shoe collection that plays with the codes of night vs day, glamour vs sexy, and men’s dressing vs women’s.’
Timeless elegance and the combination of masculine and feminine elements – just beautiful!


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